Important Illinois Landlord - Tenant Laws
Chicago Residential Lease
If your property is located within the city limits of Chicago, you will need to use Chicago specific lease documents tailored to Chicago law. Learn more about LeaseRunner's Chicago Residential Lease. It serves single family properties, rented rooms, but it is also a Chicago Apartment Lease 2025.
When Your Rental Property Is Abandoned in Illinois
It is up to the landlord to verify evidence of abandonment of the rental unit. There are clues to look for such as the tenant has removed most of their personal items from the premises. Ultimately the ability to seek financial damages from the tenant who abandoned, depends on the landlord’s efforts to try to rent to someone else after learning of the abandonment. Illinois law does not specify any steps to be taken by the landlord if personal property is left behind in an abandonment situation.
Early Termination of the Rental Agreement
There are a few rights afforded to either a landlord or a tenant to terminate a lease agreement before the agreed upon expiration date. Some examples include, if the tenant does not comply with a term of the rental agreement, the landlord can terminate the lease early. Or if the landlord does not pay for utility services agreed upon in the rental agreement, the tenant can terminate the lease early.
Rent Concession Act
In the state of Illinois, there is an outlined process to follow if you are going to make any rent concessions for your tenant. It must be clearly spelled out in the lease agreement that a Rent Concession was granted. Landlords are encouraged to read the full verbiage of the Act which can be found at 765 IL CS 730.
Repairs and Alterations to Your Rental
If there is a repair needed in order to comply with a local ordinance or regulation, the tenant can repair and deduct for up to $500 or half of one month’s rent, whichever is the lesser. The tenant must notify the landlord in writing of their intention to have the repair made and then the landlord has 14 days to make the repair, and if he fails to do so, the tenant can have the repair made and seek reimbursement from the landlord. See more at 765 IL CS 742/5.
Security Deposits in Illinois
There are specific regulations around paying out interest to tenants who have paid a security deposit. It depends on a few things, like if the premises is in a building of at least 25 units and if the security deposit was held by the landlord for more than six months. Get the details here 765 IL CS 715 et seq. There are also specific requirements for the procedures and time lines regarding the return of the security deposit. And a steep penalty for non-compliance. See more here 765IL CS 710.
Dealing With Utilities
It must be stipulated who will pay for utilities when writing up a rental agreement. Specifically in Illinois, it must be disclosed to the tenant, prior to entering into an agreement, if there are any common areas where utilities are metered outside the unit for which the tenant resides. This comes up if there is a master meter for the apartment building, and tenant’s have the utility bill listed in their own name. Also, if the landlord seeks to bill the tenant for his portion of the utilities under a master meter, the landlord must provide a written request detailing the formula used to calculate the portion of their utilities. See more here 765 IL CS 740.